Saturday 4 July 2009

The Southern Obsession of The Times

Today's Times has an example of the kind of Southern bias that always infuriates me. They have a special pull out celebrating "Britain's 50 top beaches" - pretty topical given the beautiful weather we are having up in Durham today.

Needless to say, I assumed that the golden Northumbrian coast line and the other beautiful beaches that line the North Eastern coast would dominate the list.

I was pretty shocked to see that although Bamburgh and South Shields get a token mention, the entire list is so Southern heavy that it is almost beyond satire.

Of the 50 beaches, only two are in the North East and only one is in the North West. Are these people serious? Do they EVER leave the South of England? Anybody who has ever seen the North Eastern coastline is intoxicated by its beauty.

Maybe the Times writers should forget about holidaying abroad this Summer. Instead, they should head up to the North East and see why what we have to offer has no comparison - anywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Very much agree. County Durham has 11 miles of designated Heritage Coast stretching from Seaham with its Harbour (soon to include a marina)down to Crimdon.

    Beautiful natural coast.
