Monday, 15 February 2010

Lifelong Labour Voters Are Ready To Vote For Change In North Durham

I have blogged before about how lifelong Labour voters will be voting for my campaign for change at the last election. People who have voted Labour all of their lives are tired of being taken for granted and are annoyed that the Party they placed so much faith in has actually delivered mass unemployment, widening inequality and declining social mobility.

In the North East, lifelong Labour voters are sick of our region being forgotten and ignored by a Government that has 27 out of our 29 MPs. Since 1997, we have been represented by the likes of Blair, Mandelson, Byers and Milburn but the North East has still fallen further behind every other UK region and has the highest unemployment in the UK.

That is why lifelong Labour voters are ready to vote for change in North Durham. And lifelong Labour voters are ready to make the switch across the country, as this video shows:

People across North Durham and across the North East are ready to vote for a progressive alternative. They are sick of the traditional values of the Labour Party being ignored and are set to support a candidate who will stand for fairness, action to create jobs and will be a strong voice for the North East.

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