Wednesday 5 August 2009

Labour Councillors' Shameful Decision To Pocket 20% More Public Money

Last week I wrote this blog piece about Labour politicians in the North East taking local people for granted. Within days, Labour Councillors on Durham County Councillor had proven my point. They voted to give themselves a 20% increase in allowances and expenses. That equates to £306,000 more a year in allowances. Ten Labour Cabinet members (including the Leader and Deputy Leader) already claimed over £225,000 last year. That is going to be even higher next year.

Local people are VERY angry about this and I completely share their anger.

At a time when people are worried about their jobs, meeting mortgage
payments and paying bills (including sky rocketing Council tax bills) it is SHAMEFUL that fat cat Labour Councillors are helping themsleves to 20% more of our money. If local Labour Councillors had any comprehension of the financial hardship that people in North Durham are facing they should have turned down ANY allowance increase.

I also find the idea that Councillors are allowed to vote on their pay to be quite wrong. At a time when the rest of us are having to tighten our belts, fat cat Labour Councillors have shown zero restraint and again illustrated the case for these kind of decisions not to be taken by those who would benefit.

The Labour Party in North Durham has become complacent, out of touch and arrogant. They have proven this arrogance by pocketing almost £2,000 more of our money a year at the same time as increasing Council Tax by well above inflation. By voting Skelton for Change, the people of North Durham would be giving a bloody nose to an out of touch Labour elite and showing that we are sick of being taken for granted by the Labour Party.

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